Tech Stocks
A collection of 71 issues
LNG Oversupply? With Tech’s Ascension, There’s No Such Thing as Enough Energy
A few years ago, if you flew across North America on a clear day, preferably in an aircraft, you would sometimes see natural gas flares burning below you at ground level. Natural gas often is found in proximity to oil, so while the oil was extracted and transported for processing
Robotaxis, Faux Robo PR, Robo Content Moderation, Kong’s New Valuation, Canadian Quantum, and Tech-Industry Lobbying
Why Intel’s Future is Unlikely to Include an Acquisition by Qualcomm
Large parts of the technology industry would like to think of themselves as apolitical. Many denizens of the technology world might have no use for politics, but politics, especially of the geopolitical variety, unquestionably has use for many of them.
As geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China intensify,
Why Tech Employment is Not What It Used to Be
When major new technologies arise, the expectation is that prosperity will follow. What’s more, most observers reasonably assume that the wealth will be shared, not evenly – because that never happens – but at least broadly.
For the most part, these expectations and assumption were realized in past information-technology booms, including
Keeping Vendors Honest on genAI Revenue Boasts
News Review: Posterity Won’t Care, But I Do
We live in a world of ceaseless activity. Some of that activity is meaningful, conveying profound significance, while some of it is frivolous, consisting of fleeting distractions that provide amusement, entertainment, and the occasional pretexts for real or feigned outrage.
Stuff happens all the time, but very little of will
Intel: An Uncomfortable Present and an Increasingly Uncertain Future
Constrained Energy Supply Sets Limits on Thirst of GenAI Datacenters
Amid the Anxious Nvidia Earnings Watch: Losing the Plot, Misreading Market Dynamics
I sometimes wonder whether COVID and its aftermath have unmoored us from what we used to collectively apprehend as our common reality.
Take, for example, the intense media coverage of Nvidia’s quarterly results, which are not due until close of market trade today. Journalists and market watchers are behaving