A collection of 14 issues
Quantum Mania: Amid the Present Puffery, A Seemingly Bright Future
You could say that it’s the best of times, the worst of times, and practically the non-existent times for quantum computing. The sentence I’ve just typed is paradoxical, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
The information-technology industry seems to be forming a consensus that quantum computing
Getting It Right on Intel
I’ve heard there was an election in the United States.
You will find an abundance of commentary on the election results elsewhere, but don’t look for any of that prattle here. Almost everybody who provides a post-mortem on election results will attempt an analysis through a prism of
Why Intel’s Future is Unlikely to Include an Acquisition by Qualcomm
Large parts of the technology industry would like to think of themselves as apolitical. Many denizens of the technology world might have no use for politics, but politics, especially of the geopolitical variety, unquestionably has use for many of them.
As geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China intensify,
Intel: An Uncomfortable Present and an Increasingly Uncertain Future
Cisco Q4 Results: Rising Orders Deliver Respite
Juniper and Cisco: Diverging Paths in Shifting Networking Market
Cisco Can't Party Like It’s 1999, but the End is Not Near
Google’s genAI Networking Capabilities: Useful, Valuable, but not New
Twitter’s Role in Strengthening Musk’s Grip on Tesla
Years ago, when I worked for a technology company that developed and sold infrastructure software (an intentionally ambiguous description to protect the guilty and the innocent), I had a colleague who espoused a refreshingly frank worldview. He believed that the decisions of our board and senior executives could be attributed