A collection of 10 issues
Dell Warns that AI Ascent Will Not Be Linear
Tech Reaches the Geopolitical Summit: The Rise of Datacenter Diplomacy
There’s an article in – of all places – Foreign Policy that I recommend you read.
I recommend that you read the article not because I wholeheartedly agree completely with everything it says – the piece raises perhaps as many questions as it answers – but because I think it provides valuable insight
Why Tech Employment is Not What It Used to Be
When major new technologies arise, the expectation is that prosperity will follow. What’s more, most observers reasonably assume that the wealth will be shared, not evenly – because that never happens – but at least broadly.
For the most part, these expectations and assumption were realized in past information-technology booms, including
Next Week’s Earnings Face Elevated Scrutiny After Tech-Stock Wobble
Reports from the market’s coalface suggest investors might be slowly rediscovering the benefits of diversification. They are learning the hard way a lesson that experience had taught their forebears: If you put too much of your investment capital in one place, whether a single stock or a market sector,
Goldman Sachs' Intriguingly Ambiguous Assessment of the GenAI Market
“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what everyone else says in a book— what everyone else does not say in a book.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche said some batshit-crazy stuff, particularly after he was stricken by syphilis – or was it brain cancer? Regardless of what afflicted Nietzsche, the
Amid Algorithmic Tech-Market Euphoria, Fear Takes a Holiday
We live in interesting times, which is not always a good thing, as a well-known Chinese proverb says. Nonetheless, the ambiguities and paradoxes of the era in which we live, as well as its careening pace of change, present excellent opportunities for analytical minds to observe and appreciate the delicious
Google’s genAI Networking Capabilities: Useful, Valuable, but not New
Twitter’s Role in Strengthening Musk’s Grip on Tesla
Years ago, when I worked for a technology company that developed and sold infrastructure software (an intentionally ambiguous description to protect the guilty and the innocent), I had a colleague who espoused a refreshingly frank worldview. He believed that the decisions of our board and senior executives could be attributed
Retirement: Don’t Believe the Stereotype
At the end of June, I will have been nominally retired for exactly one year. I’ve used the word nominally with considerable care, though I just as easily and accurately might have invoked the word ostensibly.
What do I mean when I introduce these qualifiers? Well, people ask me