A collection of 97 issues
Podcast Appearance, Plus a Review of Recent News
Ethics and Technology: From Neutral Infrastructure to the Age of AI
From its inception, going back to the postwar (World War II) period, the technology industry was heavily involved in the design, development, manufacture, and sale of infrastructure. Initially, the infrastructure was vertically integrated hardware and software. More recently, software has come to predominate, with the rise of disaggregation, where hardware
Is AI the Capstone of Tech Feudalism?
Amid the Media Deluge: Revisiting AI’s Big Questions
News articles, feature stories, and opinion pieces about artificial intelligence are proliferating wildly. If the technological advance of AI is outpacing its media coverage, then all the optimistic and pessimistic AI scenarios that philosophers, pundits, and scientists have propounded might materialize sooner than expected. Unfortunately, the worst of the pessimistic
Past is Prologue, and Forewarned is Forearmed
I remember clearly when I first experienced the World Wide Web (WWW). I was visiting the Toronto office of the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) during the spring of 1991, and a group of developers asked whether I’d be interested in taking a trip through cyberspace. At first, I thought
Why AI Will Not Save the World
A couple months ago, Marc Andreessen, he of the (partially) eponymous Andreessen Horowitz venture-capital behemoth, published a lengthy blog post on his company’s website extolling the attributes, capabilities, and “world-saving” virtues of artificial intelligence (AI). He actually titled the post, “Why AI Will Save the World.” (The title raises